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23 August, 1998

Jain's stress on computer studies

Tribune News Service
CHANDIGARH, Aug 22 — The local MP Mr Satya Pal Jain has advised the students to opt for computer studies, as it were the computers that hold the key to success in the contemporary education scenario.
Mr Jain, who was addressing the students, after inaugurating a computer system in the Sector 39 Government Middle Model School, said today that knowledge of computers and science was essential for rising high in life.
In order to make the students computer literate, he was willing to donate more computers to various government and other recognised schools of the city out of his Local Area Development Fund, if these schools were keen on introducing computer studies as one of the subjects.
The function was attended by the president of the local unit of the Akali Dal, Mr Gurpartap Singh Riar, members of the Parent Teachers Association and municipal councillors.
Later, Mr Jain addressed a meeting of the Punjab and Haryana Finance Companies Association in Sector 35.Top