Talking to media persons, in Chandigarh today, Mr. Jain ridiculed the statement of the Union Parliamentary Affairs Minister that the Government of India will not constitute JPC on 2G Spectrum Scandal. ...He said that the statement of the Parliamentary Affairs Minister that Parliament is “ill-equipped” to probe this scandal is an insult to the entire Parliament of India and unbecoming of the position of Minister of Parliamentary Affairs, which he is holding at the present.
... He said that the suggestion by the Minister of getting these scandals probed by Public Accounts Committee is only an attempt to avoid a thorough probe in to the matter because the PAC can only deal with certain paras of the CAG report of the government departments and cannot deal with the issue of finding as to who are responsible for the scandal. He said that this can be done only by a JPC because only the JPC has the power to thoroughly probe the whole matter, summon any official, Minister, Prime Minister or the concerned files and can recommend to Parliament as to who the guilty person are and what action should be taken against them.
... He said that BJP will not accept anything short of a JPC.