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12 April, 2009

Manmohan Singh did not tell the truth about Tytler, Sajjan: Arun Jaitley

The India Post
State BJP President Mrs Kamla Sharma and Mr Satya Pal Jain Party candidate for Chandigarh Lok Sabha constituency welcomed Mr Jaitley .................Dr. Avnish Jolly , Chandigarh April 12 :Senior BJP leader and party General Secretary Mr Arun Jaitley today challenged Prime Minister Manmohan Singh as claim that he was unaware of clean chit given to Mr Jagdish Tytler and Mr Sajjan Kumar. Addressing a massive workers convention organized by Chandigarh BJP Mr Jaitley accused Dr Singh of trying to befool people and said his image of the Weakest Prime Minister can not be changed by this. He accused the Congress party of dishonesty in giving tickets to these two leaders, who have been accused of leading /inciting violence in 1984 riots by Nanavati Commission of inquiry. He said it is matter of national shame that no one has been punished for the said and shocking events of 1984 in which more than 3000 people lost lives.
... Mr Jaitley said the Congress lead UPA government has not been able to maintain the record of growth in Indian economy because of the discord in the ruling alliance. That those supporting the government did not let it take decisions and the government failed to control prices is no help to the common man. He said national challenges on economic and security front have become complicated because of a weak government at centre. He put the Congress party in the dock by saying that government had promised to generate one crore jobs per year but in the last year one and half crore jobs have been lost. ...
State BJP President Mrs Kamla Sharma and Mr Satya Pal Jain Party candidate for Chandigarh Lok Sabha constituency welcomed Mr Jaitley and said the massive level of participation is indicative of mood for change in Chandigarh. Among those who addressed the workers convention were Mr Mata Ram Dhiman, two former Chandigarh Mayors Mrs Harjinder Kaur and Mr Gyan Chand Gupta, Mr jasjit Singh Bunny and party General Secretary Mr Sanjay Tandon. Mr Ramvir Bhatti, Director Market Committee Chandigarh, thanked the activists and leaders for the success of BJP activists’ convention.