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09 April, 2009

Centre's rpted direction on land acquisition 'pol stunt': BJP

Chandigarh , Apr 9 BJP today termed the Centre's reported direction asking the   Union  Territory administration to put on hold further land acquisitions without its approval as a"mere political stunt".
"The Administration has been barred from acquiring land for any further project without approval of the Union Home Ministry. This direction at the time of Lok Sabha polls is a mere political stunt,"senior BJP leader and party candidate from this parliamentary constituency Satya Pal Jain told reporters here.
He alleged that the Congress wanted to take credit for the the"Centre's direction on land acquisition".
"But the people will not be misled as earlier vast chunk of land has been acquired and people have been given meagre compensation for this. If NDA comes to power at the Centre after the elections, we will ensure that people get the prevailing rates of Rs 1.5 crore per acre of land,"he said.
He alleged that the Centre earns Rs 1,200 crore as tax share from the UT, but in return the city gets virtually nothing.