Chandigarh Tribune

Satya Pal Jain elected Dean, Law Faculty

CENTRE: Mr Satpal Jain, Dean, Law Faculty, LEFT: Dr K.K. Talwar, Dean, Medical Faculty and RIGHT: Mr Kesav Malhotra, Dean, Dairy Dev. and Animal Hdry. (Image Courtesy: The Tribune)
Chandigarh, December 19: History was created in more than one way during the annual elections of syndicate members and Deans at Panjab University here today. While for the first time two senators who got equal number of votes were asked to share their term, holding the post for a period of six months each, a former Member Parliament from Chandigarh and senator Mr Satya Pal Jain was chosen as the Dean of the Department of Laws, the same department that had refused to admit him as a student 30 years ago. ...