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28 December, 2007

Himachal results today, BJP already celebrating

Times of India
28 Dec 2007, CHANDIGARH: A day before counting of votes in Himachal Pradesh, BJP leaders, flush with Narendra Modi-led BJP's victory in Gujarat, are already rubbing their hands in gleeful anticipation of a win in the hill state.
     That BJP workers in Shimla and elsewhere looked more upbeat than their Congress counterparts was obvious even before news came in of their party's thumping performance in Gujarat. ...
    ... Exit polls as well as intelligence reports have predicted that the next government in Shimla will be BJP's, with Prem Kumar Dhumal as the chief minister in the 68-member assembly.
     BJP president Rajnath Singh has repeatedly said his party will win with 2/3rd majority, garnering around 40-45 seats. And so sure is the BJP of doing this that leaders have already chalked out post-victory plans.
     Party in-charge of Himachal affairs, Satya Pal Jain, said the oath-taking ceremony would take place in Shimla on December 30.