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15 February, 2006

Frisking Issue: BJP demands apology

The Times of India- Chandigarh
CHANDIGARH: The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Tuesday condemned the frisking of spiritual guru Asa Ram Bapu at the Ahmedabad Airport on Monday and demanded an apology from the Centre.
Former BJP MP Satya Pal Jain and a member of the national executive committee of the party termed the incident as of "highly humiliating nature.
Jain said that Sant Asa Ram Bapu was not any ordinary personality, crores of people in the whole world worshiped him and his followers were spread through out the world.
"Therefore not only the private airways, but the Union government should have apologised to him for this most unfortunate incident", he said, in a statement issued here of Tuesday.
Jain urged the Central Government to take all necessary steps to stop these type of shameless incidents and ensure proper respect and courtesies to all top Indian religious leaders like Sant Asa Ram Bapu.