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19 March, 2009

Women not safe in Chandigarh: Kamla Sharma

The Indian Post
S.P.Pandey, Chandigarh, March 18, 2009 :: Chandigarh state BJP president Mrs Kamala Sharma and vice president of its Women’s Cell Mrs Shashi Bala Jain (wife of Mr Satya Pal Jain, BJP candidate for Chandigarh Parliamentary constituency) along with Women’s Cell chairperson Mrs Ramneek Sharma and Party Vice president and senior Women’s Cell leader Mrs Asha Jaswal addressed a meeting of Women’s Cell activists in sector 21 here today.
... They complained that women are not safe anywhere in Chandigarh, a woman cannot walk alone in any sector, chain snatchings and misbehaviour with women is a daily happening. Law and order in the city is in very bad shape and we come across reports of murders, rapes and suicides everyday – they held congress party responsible for all this. All women activists assured BJP leaders that they will go all-out to ensure defeat to congress party at Chandigarh during the coming elections.
Addressing the women activists Mrs Kamala Sharma and other women’s leaders assured them that on coming to power the BJP NDA government will ensure safety of all women, will control price rise and firm up the law and order machinery.