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19 March, 2009

Central government betraying interests of farmers, says Satya Pal Jain

Yahoo News
NDA's candidate from the city for the forthcoming Lok Sabha elections Satya Pal Jain, accused the Congress-led UPA government for betraying the interests of farmers and villagers of the city through its five year term.
Addressing a public meeting at Khudda Alisher village today, Jain said while neighbouring Punjab has been paying upto Rs 1.5 crore per acre for land acquired for public purpose, Chandigarh villages have been suffering at the hands of the UPA government which has been doling out a mere Rs 10 to 18 lakh per acre to land owners in the UT.
Accusing the Union government of favouring the coloniser-builder class at the cost of the farmer villager, Jain said on coming to power, the NDA will give compensation for land in UT on a par with that being given by Punjab.
He added that the party will extend the lal dora limits of villages in the UT and will regularise construction in areas outside the lal dora limits, as against the ruling party. ...