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01 March, 2008

Bhajan counsels fight plea disposal

Times of India
1 Mar 2008, CHANDIGARH: As Congressmen and chief minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda were celebrating farm loan waivers at party office, counsels representing rebel Congressmen Bhajan Lal and their teams were fighting it out at tribunal trying the disqualification plea against them.
     Having questioned the jurisdiction of speaker as head of the tribunal last week, counsels representing Bhajan Lal, Ramesh Kamboj and Dharam Pal Malik on Friday protested the alleged haste shown by the chair in disposing off the petition. ...
     ... Satya Pal Jain, who represented Rakesh Kamboj (Indri) and Dharam Pal Malik (Gohana), and Nidhesh Gupta for Bhajan Lal, accused the speaker of prompting and protecting the petitioners.
     "Right from the beginning, our clients had apprehensions of things going against them. Now the proceedings have made it more clear. We will speak to our clients and act accordingly. The shape of things to come was quite apparent from the one line order passed by him on the issue relating to maintainability of petition," Satya Pal Jain said.
     "The way speaker prompted and protected the petitioner, one could make out the result as well. We are quite open to options available to us, "said Gupta. ...