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05 July, 1998

Bill to triple judges’ salaries passed

Tribune News Service and agencies
NEW DELHI, July 4 — The Lok Sabha today approved a Bill enhancing the salaries of judges of the Supreme Court and high court by over three times.
The High Court and Supreme Court Judges (Conditions of Service) Amendment Bill which replaces an ordinance promulgated this April enhances the salary of the Chief Justice of India to Rs 33,000 per month from Rs 10,000 and that of Supreme Court judges to Rs 30,000 per month from Rs 9,000. ...
The report of the committee, which recommended the revision of salaries, was laid on the table of the Lok Sabha today by the BJP MP from Chandigarh, Mr Satya Pal Jain.
Mr Jain told TNS that the committeee was critical about the government’s decision in promulgating an ordinance.
Mr Jain said the All India Judges Association had submitted a representation regarding the revision of salaries of judges. The association demanded that the salary of the judges should not be less than the salary of the Cabinet Secretary as was the position in 1950. There was also a demand for revision of service condition of the lower judiciary. ...