
Friday, 07 January 2011, Chandigarh (Pressvarta)
Mr. Satya Pal Jain, Ex-MP and All India Incharge of the Legal and Legislative wing of the BJP has urged the Union Home Minister Mr. P. Chidambaram to immediately come to Chandigarh, assess the 'Completely broken' Law and order situation in the city and take corrective measures to restore law and order in the city as well as the confidence of the common man in the law enforcing agencies. In a statement issued here today
Mr. Jain said that after the Bomb Blast in Varansi, the Home Minister had said that maintaining the law and order situation is the responsibility of the concerned state government. He said that the Home Minister must be aware that Chandigarh being a Union Territory, it is the Central Government which is the State Government also for Chandigarh. In such a situation, why the Prime Minister, the Home Minister and the other ministers are just acting as silent spectators to what is happening in Chandigarh?
Mr. Jain said that the law and order situation has completely collapsed in Chandigarh and right from a 5 year old child to a 75 year old elder person, everyone is feeling unsafe and living under the threat of either being kidnapped or killed. He said that the way a 5 year old innocent child ‘Khushpreet’ was kidnapped and brutally murdered, every parent is scared of sending their children even to the playground to play and every senior citizen is feeling unsafe in their own houses.
Mr. Jain said that the Central Government has left Chandigarh at the mercy of criminals and their own luck. The criminals are moving around freely in the city and the police instead of arresting them, is using lathis & tear gas against innocent peace-loving citizens. He said that the Central Government is fully responsible for whatever is happening in Chandigarh, including the outburst of people against the local administration.