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16 April, 2007

Chief Minister seeks better India Pakistan relations

S. Parkash Singh Badal, Chief Minister, Punjab, has underlined the need for improving bilateral cultural ties with Pakistan to strengthen 'people to people' contact of two neighbouring countries.
Speaking after honouring Begum Madeeha Gouhar and her husband Janab Shahid Nadeem, Pakistani couple who directed and wrote Bullha-a play on the life and times of Baba Bulleh Shah, staged at Rock Garden, last night, Mr. Badal recalled the 'Golden period' spent by him as a student of FC College, Lahore, from 1945 to 1947. He said that when he had a chance to visit Lahore again with former Prime Minister, Mr.Atal Behari Vajpayee, he found that the roots of Punjabi Cultural were much stronger in Pakistani part of Punjab than in our own. "We share same culture, same language and same ethos", he added. ...
   ... Earlier, the Chief Minister honoured Begum Madeeha Gohar and her husband Janab Shahid Nadeem with mementos. He said that he had been greatly impressed by the direction, choreography and over all impact of the play, Bullha. Former Member Parliament, Chandigarh, Mr. Satya Pal Jain, Councilors of MC Chandigarh, Senior Police and Administrative Officers from Punjab and Chandigarh including Commissioner, Municipal Corporation, Chandigarh Mr. PS Aujla, were also present in the function...