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10 November, 2006

MC polls: Parties readying menifestos

Chandigarh Newsline
Chandigarh, November 9: POLITICAL parties are busy finalising their election manifesto for the Municipal Corporation elections.
Interestingly, both the Congress and the BJP have included similar issues, like providing better traffic and parking system, in their manifestos. While the BJP is talking about beautifying the city after coming to power, the Congress is promising to bring Chandigarh on international map. ...
... However, the BJP is all set to counter the development slogan of Congress by highlighting the issues of corruption, price rise and imposition of property tax, sources in the party say. Though the BJP leaders are tight-lipped on the issues included in its manifesto, sources say apart from promising further beautification of the city, the party has promised the people to provide better traffic and parking systems.
Satya Pal Jain, former BJP MP, says, "Issues affecting the life of the common man have been included in the manifesto," he added.